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The quest for certainty
Why do ‘the right thing’? Why does doing ‘the right thing’ matter? Why should it matter? Jonathan Sacks argues that morality is essential “to our dignity, our happiness, the meaningfulness of our lives and the structures of grace that constitute our society”. But where does morality come from? And, does it always pay to do right? Does one have to be religious to act in a moral way? Does one have to believe in God to do good?
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Meine Bibelfrage
Gibt es die richtige Kirche?
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The truth about reality
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Schabbat Schalom
Lenes Profilbild
Pause. Kraft schöpfen. Nachdenken. Ruhe. An sich und andere denken. Der Sabbatanfang. Den Schöpfer ehren. Der Sabbat ist eine besondere Zeit, die Gott schenkt: Zeit für Ruhe, Nachdenken und Gemeinschaft.